Here I am again, dependent

I’m on the other side of my prostate cancer surgery. Of course, things didn’t go as smoothly as they could have and my past surgeries and conditions presented some challenges. I have a larger incision than we hoped for and my surgery was “sticky,” whatever that means.

This catheter thing is totally bizarre. I think I could have been better prepared for that. Not to be too graphic, but when you first check it out and see no evidence of your important little friend that you discovered at 8 months old and haven’t let go of since, you freak out a little bit. I told Robin, ” I think they removed it.” As the swelling has gone down my little pal has reappeared so all is not lost but that was kind of scary. (Yes, I still have my sense of humor.)

They’re going to take the catheter out probably at the end of this week or the beginning of next week. I know nothing about what that entails either. I’m not sure I want to know. Urologists are pretty chill. Should I ask Josh what to expect or should I go straight to Google where I will read horror stories? The last time I had a catheter, after my liver transplant, I have no memory of them taking it out but I was on a pretty potent cocktail of pain medications.

I am feeling too many similarities to coming home after my liver transplant. But, overall, I am handling it pretty well. I did have one PTSD meltdown, complete with tears and all, on Saturday night but otherwise I’ve been handling it well.

I am almost totally dependent on Robin again. I feel terrible that she is in this position yet again. At least now I am able to get up on my own after the first two days of having her pull me up while I winced in pain. She’ll come home from school early to clean me and help me shower. No sir, I don’t like that.

I know that having so many people praying for me has helped me experience peace for the most part. I doze for a couple hours, wake up and doze again.

My poor Ethan does not like seeing his Grampa in this condition. He’s such a little empath. I kept catching sadness on his face while he checked me out from a safe distance yesterday.

Today’s prayer request is for my bowels to wake up since they haven’t yet. This is day 4. It’s time. Plus, I’ve been doing all the things I’m supposed to do and drinking Metamucil twice a day.


I’d also like to wean off the more powerful pain meds. They work against the giant jug of Metamucil.

Thanks for praying. I know prayer works. There are even some studies that seem to show that faith matters to healing. My experience has taught me that prayer is effective and faith is vital to recovery.

About Scott Linscott

Living life to the fullest, walking in the dust of my Rabbi, creating art through photography and written word, speaking words of hope wherever and whenever the opportunity arises.
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