Don’t call us, we’ll call you

Thursday I have a doctor appointment. Big deal. Ho hum. What else is new?

This one’s a first for me. You know how you have to call the doctor’s office, talk about your issues and pain and get, “I have an opening six weeks from Tuesday?” I always want to say, “Okay, I’ll try to stay alive that long.”

This time my liver doctor called me. What???? He said he reviewed my tests and results from my hospital stay and wants to meet with me as soon as possible. Um, okay? That’s a first for me.

I’m pretty sure he isn’t having me come in to say, “Things are awesome and I just want to give you a happy hug.”

So, I’m freaking out a little. I’m praying for peace and getting nothing. I’m stressed. I have faith that God is God. I know He’s close but I’m not feeling closeness. Does that make sense?

But then, I also know He’s patient and will wait until I come to that realization that He has never left my side. He’s not interested in me pretending. He knows me better than I know myself.

I will try to sleep now. I’m not thinking I’ll be successful in that with my mind racing from scenario to scenario.

Here goes ….

About Scott Linscott

Living life to the fullest, walking in the dust of my Rabbi, creating art through photography and written word, speaking words of hope wherever and whenever the opportunity arises.
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4 Responses to Don’t call us, we’ll call you

  1. Steve Wilson says:

    Praying for you, my brother. Thanks for being real.

  2. aunt Betty says:

    think happy or not as bad as it could be. My prayer are with you. Stay calm.

  3. LL says:

    praying for peace ~ your willingness to be real and be honest is inspiring. Keep on “setting your mind on things above” and reminding yourself of all you know. I’ll pray for God’s hand to hold you so that you can “feel” it! Hard to “feel” anything at times like this, I bet. Hope you got some sleep last night, Scottio ~ Just to go along with YOUR honesty. . . I HATE THIS!!! xoxooxox

  4. I can definitely relate to those calls! I will be praying for peace for you as you await the appointment. Let me know how it turns out!

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